Sunday, April 11, 2004
WHATS Cooler THan Being COOl?@?@!!?
ICE COLD!@!! as my lovely Denverinos picked up tthe National Hockey Champoionship by beating those dirty MAiners by a score of 1-0. Buto ther than that ive been treating girls like they beloing to me and readin books about the same thING. Nowadays all sorts of sports are going on and typically a man in my position WHICHI IS DEAD, wouldnmt be as thrilled but my gRades have been RAISED and im excited wiht MORE hockey like nhl PlayOffS amd baseball picking up. within that insides which i am infact partial to the AS IF YOU DIDNT KNOW colorado rockies. but in all hgonesty nobody cares, but i went to WALLY WORLD (or walmart to you mainlanders) and wanted an ovenly made pizza for me to make at home but i get there they had all sorts of MEXICAN pizza lika taco and fajita and nacho and quesidilla and i didnt want anything to do with it so i said to my hetero life partner CROY "ID NeVER Do a MEXican" you know lke the pizza but some big dirty PEUBLO walks up to me and sucker punches my lights out, but its ok he probably pumps gas for a living or something mexican like that. I KID dont write letters!! i dont even have a mailbox. I mean id wear a full body cast if it got me anywhere in life but last time i looked into it, all it could get me was seven dollars and a cookie which i sold for a 50 cents so i could buy a movie ticket. after going tot he movies i much rahter wish that i could have the cookie OATMEAL RAisin versus JERSery Girls, the sweet spot gets it everytime~!! but on a side note i went to a restaraunt with my life long friend he looks at his menu and SAYS you got any candy (To the WAITERESS) and she said no so he sAYS, ILL HAVE NOTHING then and leaves in a fuss. but if that aint the life of a sailor i dont know what is
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