
Thursday, January 27, 2005

NO vo\te, no complaints 

And so it goes as \SIr william Hoel or billy joel to those who speak English5.5 eqauls 25 if its multiplication. but thats a sad note that i have to live on as even though my dear SHelia had been dead for quire some time,. SOMething like the length of two years. i JUST broke up with on wednesday of last week. TWICE that is bnut that sucks butter nuts.

Saturday, January 22, 2005

give me $MONEY$ 

give me $MONEY$

If thats the life, then I Don't want to live.... 

So as recently as five seconds ago i got married to some ugly fat bitch named Hazel. Her name stems form the likkely hood of dying at young age such as hazel desiase (thats disease) for those who dont know better. BUt alals i am used to girls dying for many have dide in my arms tonite, Much like the CUTTOING CREW had predicted but they can all die in some sort of fire, preferiably eleva tor. But thats w a whoole enitre story, maybe i neeed to marry a HERSHEY kiss since they are always in the mood to KISS or so to speak but thats all ioreeleavant theyu should be voted off of survivor as soon as possible and eat hot lave until their intestines melt because anyone without preapproval deserves to die some sort of slow and painfujl death filled with sorts of heartbreeak and fatigue. BURN IN HELL AND JUIMP OFF CLIFFES OFTEN SO YOU ALL DIE BEFORE I DO> peace be the journey

Friday, January 21, 2005

Milk was a bad choice 

So i was wandering this luife called boulevard avenue and I found my good old chum McCarty Donald Fisher-Price. She's mostly plastic and fouind his riches in Lucy's crapper but thats why he owns a mansion so after that he built a new guest room for any guersts that may arrive in this Pouison concert we call life but i taped the milkman drinking milk from the milkman's wife tits (x2) thats double the milk for double the trouble. He then died twice in a year and he has no longer made any friends that deliver things door to door dairy inclkuded. SUpid VIctor he died in a stampede so i sold his body to medical science and all the money i recieved was traded in for Kit Kats and BUncha Crunch. I must say i immediately regret the decision but thats only because i have since retired from this bon jovi of a reputation. but stop it, look here and pay your respects or nothing will be interesting ever again.

Sunday, January 16, 2005

Whatever I wanna do!! 

SO this night bakc oin campus is ONE OF The first of its such that I have vbeen a party OF. NO party buti nstead of DELETING i am happy with what i have compiled thus farREADY CHECK THIS OUT - () )\ (thats an R) /-\ = but my boy ROdney Hollenbakc drank to much PUImp juice or the cub of bankers as i prefer to call it remainbs MY FAV to this day so step back if you disagree since you aint nothing but a G thing BaBy. that whole cpatialize thing can eat my shit one day at a time until i am shitblocked from ever returhgin to any other coninetent again. but asid from the whole shit eating aspect i suppose we should make do with what we ogot and buy the girl of my dreams a mink coat. NOt Shelia since she at too many hoagies and got food poisoning and died tragically but i could care less since she was sporint some major LBs last time i looked so aside from that if you aske me nicely i will tell you the girl that I loves name and then i might stab you in the left tit with an ice pick but thats validated for anytoehr column so eat shiot and die loyal lovers meeet mee in hell and from now on never forget what i tought you in our breif moments together> Peace easy mother trucker and KEEP IT BLACK. LAAAAAAAAAAAATEs

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