Saturday, January 22, 2005
If thats the life, then I Don't want to live....
So as recently as five seconds ago i got married to some ugly fat bitch named Hazel. Her name stems form the likkely hood of dying at young age such as hazel desiase (thats disease) for those who dont know better. BUt alals i am used to girls dying for many have dide in my arms tonite, Much like the CUTTOING CREW had predicted but they can all die in some sort of fire, preferiably eleva tor. But thats w a whoole enitre story, maybe i neeed to marry a HERSHEY kiss since they are always in the mood to KISS or so to speak but thats all ioreeleavant theyu should be voted off of survivor as soon as possible and eat hot lave until their intestines melt because anyone without preapproval deserves to die some sort of slow and painfujl death filled with sorts of heartbreeak and fatigue. BURN IN HELL AND JUIMP OFF CLIFFES OFTEN SO YOU ALL DIE BEFORE I DO> peace be the journey
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